We missed you all

May 21, 2007

How did Sunday go? We were in Knoxville for my parent’s 50th anniversary (photos to prove it). They asked me to do the vows. It would’ve been nice if I didn’t CRY LIKE A LITTLE GIRL. Ah well. Ran across an good article (book promo really) talking about reading the bible “deeply”. They talk about Reading with the Rule of Faith, reading an passage beyond what the original authors intent was, but remaining faithful to the text. Read with the Giants is reading with Augustine, John of the Cross, early church fathers. We’ve made some historical figures to be protestant saints, but if you read them you see their frailty and humility before God. Reading with Prayer discusses reading the bible slowly and meditatively. And finally Reading in Contemporary Community is not what I expected, but still true, passing traditions down to the next generation.